Wed. 11:00 PM EST
January 17th, 2001
Just before the match with BeL last Sunday, MrKul called it quits. He complained of poor pings on our servers, and a general lack of playing time, and I can't blame him for trying other options. His contributions to RTS were many, and he will be missed. Speaking of pings, Draven's Owning Grounds servers are gone for good. Read about it here: Anyway, I've become extremely annoyed at TPL's neverending delays, and so we have yet another match this weekend, Sunday, 9 PM EST, against LSD. Be ready to break out your old 2fort5 skills again; gee, that'll be hard :P
Fri. 4:56 PM EST
January 12th, 2001
Some members have complained that I have gotten lazy with the lack of recent news updates ;) So here it is: we played DdB and UcF, winning both by large margins. Specious goes inactive indefinately until he has a playable internet connection at home. Icon was promoted to core for excellence in performance and dedication. This Sunday at 8:30 EST, we match BeL on 2gloom1 for 2 rounds. This is a half-hour earlier than most of our Sunday engagements, so show up on time accordingly (8 PM or so). TPL has still not started yet, so for now we will continue to rotate maps and try to get some sort of scrimmage on the ones we have little or no experience on. That's all for now.